Talk of the Nation

I am sorry, I cannot bear to post the link to CNN. But it’s on DoubleX if you feel you must.
What’s really exciting is that tomorrow I get to be a guest on Talk of the Nation on NPR. It’s one of my fave shows, and I know they just want to let me be a starting point for talking about adoption experiences. I will be on at 3:40.

9 Responses to “Talk of the Nation”

  1. Laura Perras says:

    Wow! Congratulations, I will def tune in!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    oooh, I love Talk of the Nation. I will try to tune in!

  3. Lisen says:

    ARRRGH! I will be sitting in my attachment therapist’s office at 3:40. Figures I’ll miss a radio discussion about adoption and the woes of adjusting while venting to our attachment therapist about the woes of adjusting! Think we can hear it NPR online later?

  4. G. Silva says:

    I thought you did well in your CNN interview. Looking forward to NPR too.

  5. smk says:

    KJ- I really wish you would reconsider what you are doing. You are inflicting a lot of damage on your daughter and other adopted people. I understand your three year old daughter was unable to fulfill your mother fantasy, but that was your problem-not hers. It’s just hurtful to adopted people to have adoptive parents talk about how “unlovable” adopted children are because they don’t behave perfectly.

  6. NotoriousMLE says:

    Hi KJ-I saw your article on Slate and I suspect based on the comment stream that you are getting a ton of flack about it but as someone who recently adopted I’m so thankful for your bravery. The “it was so easy and awesome” stories do perpetuate unhealthy myths about adoption and unreasonable expectations in both the public and future adoptive parents. Being real about how hard the experience is important to help adoptive parents get the help they need to care for their children.

  7. Jeff says:

    I thought you did well in your CNN interview. Looking forward to NPR too.

  8. Alan says:

    Wow! Congratulations, I will def tune in!

  9. Dave says:

    Wow! Congratulations, I will def tune in!