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Lunch, and all the Angst it Entails

By KJ / Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lily slipped into the bathroom yesterday and very nicely asked “Have you packed my lunch yet?” I’ve made your sandwich, but not the rest. Why? Can I do it? Can I do it and have FOUR THINGS? Wyatt and Sam were both down with a touch of flu, so the morning rush was both eased and compromised–so why not? One fruit, I told her, and a little of whatever else you want. I gave her two containers and she put […]

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Feed ‘Em Real Food, and Acquire My Copy of Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure

By KJ / Monday, November 9, 2009

Somehow these two things don’t go together very well…But I am reviewing Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure this week, and I know it’s not one we’ll want to watch again (we’re not really much for watching movies over and over; we tend towards shorter shows so that more kids can have their favorite). I’d love for someone else to enjoy it, especially if there are any real Tinkerbell fans out there (full disclosure: the first Tinkerbell movie only lasted five […]

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