If You Liked: Feeling Happy!

by KJ in #AmReading

When I put this book down I felt… happy. I don’t know about you, but 2020 has been a rough year for happy around here. For a minute there I didn’t even recognize it. It was glorious, and all I want is to repeat it as often as possible. I should maybe have popped some Kristan Higgins into that comparison, or Jenny Colgan or (for those of you who are suckers for a good yarn shop romance as well as a book shop romance) Gil McNeil. There’s magic in this one (kinda magical realism, kinda just magic) and romance. If you know your romance tropes, there’s enemies-to-lovers (in a mild way), sudden-parent and city-girl-in-a-small town. And there’s blatant series set up and I don’t care I can’t wait I am ALL IN.


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