Yeah, it’s not easy, this #NaNoWriMo thing. 50K words in a month! As I write, it’s October 27, 2017, and I’ve been prepping with the help of some free emails and tips from the book coaches at Author Accelerator, the very smart Dan Blank, the book Story Genius and Episode 75 of the #AmWriting with Jess and KJ podcast, in which best-selling novelist Sarina Bowen gave me a host of ideas about where to start a story.
I’ve collected (and attributed) the seven questions you should ask before starting NaNoWriMo into a checklist you can use to contemplate where you’re going or scribble out some answers. I’m ready. Are you? Download KJ’s NaNoWriMo Prep Checklist with a click, and I hope it helps you get there.