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I love my NPR. In the car, it’s pretty much solid NPR all day long, unless it’s Car Talk or one of the guest-oriented programs has someone on that I’m just not into. But NPR creates conflicts—namely, that all of my kids consider themselves, as conversationalists, way, way, WAY more interesting than even the most fascinating NPR story. And so should I, right? They will only be young enough to want to share with me, for a 25 minute drive, […]
Read MoreLast week, I described the plot my friend Mimi and I laid to get my three littles to STOP MAKING ME CRAZY in the car. Â How did it play out? So far, so damn good. I’m always a little embarrassed when these very simple things–courtesy of Parenting on Track–work over all the far more complicated strategies I’ve tried, and for the car, I’ve had more than a few. Let’s see, there were the stars that I took away for fighting […]
Read MoreLily has officially been a first grader for a week, and she is exhausted. Exhausted to the point of after-school sobbing, exhausted to the point of incoherence. This afternoon I was on the phone, making plans with a neighbor for her little girl to come over and play with my youngest three while her older kids went to soccer practice, when I was interrupted by a wail of misery from Lily, who was emptying her lunch box. “AHHHHH! NOooo! Ohh […]
Read MoreWe are on Vacation!, originally uploaded by kjda. So of course, we are at Starbucks. You could say that is like going to Paris and eating at McDonalds, but I don’t think Dallas is really known for it’s local coffee. In fact, as far as I can see, it could be known for the abundance of…Starbucks. KJ Dell’Antonia sent from my iPhone
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