Those two things don’t really go together, do they? Or maybe they do. Perhaps Erik Reece, an author whose new book: An American Gospel I know I’m going to enjoy, also, when he isn’t exploraring the relationships among history, the gospel and environmentalism, likes to get in a good CSS coding session. I heard Reece on NPR this morning–this is a book that’s going to really play into some of the issues that have been percolating in my life and mind of late. So I put it on the Kindle, along with Isabel Gillies’ Happens Every Day. Now, those are books that would produce a juicy, hollerin’ book group session (hmm, more things that don’t usually go together).
Obviously, I’m messing with the blog. Style, code, everything. To make a long story short, my old theme worked with a way outdated version of WordPress, and on top of that I broke the sidebar at some point in the distant past, and now I can’t even remember what I was trying to do when I did that, so the odds of me finding the piece of code I changed–and mind you, it could be as simple as adding a space or erasing a comma–are nil.
So I’m re-coding another theme I like to fit, and we’re having some growing pains. But as an exercise, I recommend it. Rob does crossword puzzles, I crawl around in html and css making minor changes and adjustments. Either forces you to use your brain in unaccustomed ways, which I fully expect to pay off later, when, at age 101, I can program my dvr/jet pack to allow me to watch CSI: Venus in transit.
Actually I would never, ever watch CSI:Venus. But I’m sure somebody will.