Procrastination Lesson

Sam had a “Jump Rope for Heart” event at school today. They were out early–at 12:30, for conferences–and participating kids could stay, and jump, and earn prizes and have big fun.

But they were supposed to raise money for the American Heart Association.

The papers came home weeks ago, and I said, Sam, look, you could really do this well, you know a lot of people. I will match anything you raise.

After a week I brought the papers along to a hockey tournament–Sam, lots of people you could ask, I’ll have your list!

I reminded him again a couple of times. I know he was reminded at school. But time ticked away, as it does, and last night he said, I’ll do it tonight! And I said, ok, but I won’t be home (babysitter). He told me who he wanted to call–grandmas, a couple of friends–and I said that was fine. He’s made those kinds of calls before.

He didn’t do it, and this morning he came in, and he cried, and it was hard–but I just let him cry. To his credit, he didn’t even ask–wouldn’t I just donate some money? Or couldn’t he jump anyway?

No, and no, if he had asked. That’s not the way the world works. But it was hard not to bail him out.

One Response to “Procrastination Lesson”

  1. Lisen says:

    Bummer for the Heart Association, and sad that Sam was sad in the end. But I would’ve done the same thing; I hate fundraising!