No 50,000 Words for Me!

I won’t be posting a NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) finisher medal here. In the end, I wrote more like 8,000 words, although I did manage a fair amount of work this past month–just not on the novel. I sent article queries, I polished and sent out an essay, I traveled…well, excuses. Good ones, but excuses.
But this is no month for querying or sending out essays, and so this is it, the final draft push. It can be short, it can be bad, but I WILL draft the rest of it this month, as follows:
This week: Revise outline, three scenes. That’s by Sunday, and I have two scenes to go.
Next week: 8 scenes.
THe week after (12/11, if you’re counting) Another 8.
Week of 12/18, 3 scenes (note reasonable Christmas taking-into-account)
And finally, the last week of the month–two scenes, or whatever it takes to bring this thing to a close.
Baby #3 forms a deadline I can’t ignore. If I want this visiting agents before he arrives on the scene (accepting gender assigned by ultrasound), I have to revise next month, start a synopsis and polish the first three chapters to a fine sheen. Plus, I have to keep myself in the eyes of the editors I’ve worked with so I’m not starting over from scratch after taking some time off–so the queries, and hopefully the assignments, need to start flowing again in January.
Oh, and I do have a few assignments to finish up this month. About 1000 words total and highly doable.
And not to forget my most important piece of work, due by the end of the weekend–my mom, aka Santa, wants wish lists. I’m typing, I swear, I’m typing.

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30 Responses to “No 50,000 Words for Me!”

  1. Caryn says:

    Sounds like you’re on a roll! Some months just aren’t good for the novel-writing thing. It’s good you’re not beating yourself up over it, and are instead making an effort to get it done and out there. Seems like you have a great game plan for it all, too. Good luck!

  2. JK says:

    Hope it’s going well. Keep us posted.

    I hope Baby #3 is a great sleeper for you! (Sort of like that Irish blessing…
    May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.

    May your baby sleep easily, may your toddler and preschooler too. May the sleep rays come to you as well and your head fall softly on your pillow. (I know, it needs work, but it’s late and I’m punchy!).)