Stop Kicking Me! I’m Down!

#3 has been resolutely kicking and pushing at one particular spot on my left side for weeks now. Today he (accepting ultrasound version of sex even though I’m not invested in it, for convenience sake) outdid himself. By 2:00 I was nearly in tears. Tylenol is no help, and if you thik about it, would it be? If you had a big giant bruise and I kept poking it, would you take a little mild painkiller, or would you punch me in the nose?
The midwives said oh, that sounds painful, and maybe if I poke him, he will move. Well, he didn’t, but I did find that if I lay so that gravity is hauling him away from the spot, he can’t get there. Increased comfort for me.
Which brings me to this question: Could you, would you do bedrest if it was just about you? Let me say that I am constitutionally nearly incapable of voluntarily napping, so I don’t think I could–but let’s say that you were really, really in a lot of pain or discomfort for whatever reason, but the baby was in no danger, but you felt better in bed–a lot better. I’m not talking putting your feet up a bit and resting, here, but real pain or misery of some kind–constant vomiting, say, or a really disabling series of headaches. Do you concede to greater forces, or force yourself to power through?
I am not at this point, not nearly, and maybe it’s purely hypothetical–I just wondered.

99 Responses to “Stop Kicking Me! I’m Down!”

  1. JK says:

    If I were in pain, and if being horizontal helped, I would lay down… I don’t like to lay around, but if it helps….I would only do this with my laptop though. 🙂 I can be online for a really long time before I get bored. A really really really long time :-).

  2. Nicol says:

    I’m in a similiar boat. I’m 16 weeks with #2. I started having serious pelvic pain about a month ago. Midwife calls it pelvic instability. It’s rare that a mom gets it so early on and nothing can be done about it. Never had this with #1 and this totally is wrecking havoc on my daily routines. Sitting at my desk job is fine, no pain. As soon as I start evening or weekend stuff, I can barely walk. By Sunday nights I’m crawling around the house to get stuff done. I’m embarrassed that I have to crawl to avoid pain, but I’m also embarrassed if I sit on the couch when there are dishes in the sink or for the 2 time this week we are eating pizza. Overall, just having a hard time letting go and just dealing with it.

  3. KJ says:

    That sounds really tough, tougher than this. Isn’t it amazing the number of things they can’t do anything about? I have done plenty of crawling around picking up the house, and once I picked up the whole playroom using Sam’s “claw”–one of those things with a handle that grabs things about a foot away–because I couldn’t bend over.
    I think the hardest thing to learn is to let go and just deal with it. I’m not sure I ever will!