I have the Flu, and I hate Everybody

Just when it was getting kind of easy and nice, it developed that it’s only easy and nice if I don’t feel like total crap.. I have yelled mercilessly at each and everyone of my children today, and that makes me feel even worse.


4 Responses to “I have the Flu, and I hate Everybody”

  1. Cindy says:

    Sending you much sympathy and virtual chicken soup and peace and quiet. It lasted at our house for over a month. It kicked my butt something awful. Hope you are on the mend soon… very soon 🙂

  2. Wuxi Mommy says:

    That stinks! Hopefully it will be well out of the way by Christmas time!

  3. Paula says:

    Hope you’re feeling better soon. Jess and I were sick at the same time. She got really whiny and I had absolutely no patience.

  4. Ruth in NZ says:

    Oh dear others have already said all I was going too!
    Some of us just feel crap 90% of the time! Does that help no wish I could take the kiddos off your hands even for a few hours!
    HUgs Ruth in NZ