Long day here. Lots of shuttling and shuffling, a little dose of art camp, the brilliant idea to take all kids to the beading store. All of which went fine, it was just–after all my happy post yesterday, I have to say I felt overwhelmed. The day started with me breaking yet another glass milk bottle, this time in the garage, just as we were leaving to pick up our poor carpool-ee. Got that cleaned up, forgot Sam’s bike for the playdate he was off to, yadda, yadda, all the way up to the end of the day when I tried to pick up some Indian take out for myself, ordered the wrong thing by mistake and wound up with a plate full of cold mixed fried vegetables.
Most of it was that the India restaurant is the place I invariably eat with friends, and really good friends, fellow writers and parents, too. The kind of people you talk about real stuff with, and not just, you know, homework and how to get the kids to help around the house. And it has been ages since I’ve done that. I’m lonely.
Plus Rob is out of town.