The most popular jogging route in town runs right past our front door. On a beautiful spring day, you can’t help but look at the people running by and find yourself somehow convinced that they are having fun–that their shins do not hurt and their hearts are not pounding and their lungs are not crying for mercy. Or at least, I can’t.
I put Lily into the jog stroller and set out on the 3-mile loop. Is it possible to run more slowly than you walk? Are there running lessons? Could I be doing it wrong? “Run” was once again a misnomer. Periodically, I ran. Mostly, I walked. Towards the end, my lungs kept insisting that we were racing up the hill at top speed when all around me, the slow-moving scenery said otherwise. I got smoked by a toddler on a trike. Why on earth was I back out there?
Partial credit goes to Ronni Gordon’s essay in last week’s NYT Magazine: Running for My Life. She’s a marathoner, so when she noticed that the scenery wasn’t flying by as it ought, she got it checked out–and discovered that she had cancer. Feeling more sluggish than usual, and acting on it, probably saved her life.
Right now, I feel sluggish almost all the time. I can’t imagine I’d could distinguish between a life threatening illness and the need for a mocha latte. If I was hit my a car, there would be at least one brief moment of thinking I’d just fallen over from sheer exhaustion. The only exercise I get besides a weekly mama-baby yoga class is in the grocery store parking lot–and it’s not a big parking lot.
If I plan to be a 90-year-old mountain-biking yoga instructor one day, this is not the way to start. What am I waiting for, the stars to align?
Summer is short here in mountainous New England, but there’s no shortage of stuff to do with it. Tomorrow we pick up a double bike trailer from a friend. If Sam and Lily want to watch the world go by, they can sit in our front window, If I want them to get out there, it’s up to me to get out there first.
It’s the perfect incentive–on days without a babysitter, I can strap them in and get a little time to myself. Keep going, more time to think. Stop and it’s back to the train table for you, sister. Setting a good example, working out and maintaining my sanity, one pedal stroke at a time.
It sounds good. Of course, that’s probably what my friend thought, too–and I notice she’s selling me her trailer.
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