The glamourous result

The glamourous result

The glamourous result,
originally uploaded by kjda.

Incidentally, her brother is wearing the same shirt today–but with him it’s a little less generally apt.payday 9 payday loanadvance loan money paydayalaska company loan home100 financing loans1st time buyer loanloans plan advantages 401kadvance loan colorado cashalaska mortgage refinance loan Mapringtones 3gforfree countryringtones generation 4 cellphonespanasonic ringtone gd 55mobile 6010 ringtone tsprint 6700 ppc ringtoneringtone 7100i nextelto how ringtone 8125ringtone 911 69999 Map

253 Responses to “The glamourous result”

  1. JK says:

    so cute! She and K would have so much fun together getting into trouble!

    Love the bribe. With K it would have to be chocolate.

  2. chelle says:

    hehe I think all the “pain” was well worth the end result!! She looks adorable!

  3. Ann D says:

    Hi KJ –
    I replied to the email you sent me, but it bounced. Do you have a back-up email address I can try? Thanks. Ann

  4. MOM says:

    No! No! No! What happened to my baby? She looks too grown up. Dog ears and bangs please!!!
    Of course, she’s beautiful! What was her reaction to the new do??

  5. MOM says:

    No! No! No! What happened to my baby? She looks too grown up. Dog ears and bangs please!!!
    Of course, she’s beautiful! What was her reaction to the new do??

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