Thank you, Martha Stewart. This looked easy… And it wasn’t exactly
hard, but I wouldn’t call it easy, either!
KJ Dell’Antonia
Thank you, Martha Stewart. This looked easy… And it wasn’t exactly
hard, but I wouldn’t call it easy, either!
KJ Dell’Antonia
I’m Hazel Jones and I work in a company interested in blog advertising. I found your blog engaging and I’m contacting you to ask if you are interested in blog post sponsorship.
If you are interested, kindly mail back at, indicating your blog for reference, and I’ll send you back pricing details, guidelines and processes. Looking forward to doing business with you.
Hazel Jones
Thanks for the blog post! So happy to “meet” another fellow Homeland-er. Yes, it looks as if we are about in the same zone kid-wise…and that would be the chaotic zone! What’s one more, right?! 😉
Coincidentally, my husband is a corporate lawyer the switched from the legal dept to marketing dept (within the same co.) and also writes on the side. Mostly poker books but he is actually on deadline next week for a book he has coming out about competition. I hope I get to meet you in China. I am sure we would have lots to talk about! Are you bringing the whole family? I think I will be flying solo.
warm regards,