Wanna Know What I Think about Swine Flu?

You’ll have to head over to Word of Mouth at NHPR.org to hear me still being funny about it!

Today I’m feeling less clever, since rumors are spreading that China will close down adoption activity until things sort themselves out one way or another. Rory’s in good hands, though, and if things get worse–well, they get worse. And if they don’t, I’m confident it will pick back up quickly. I’m sticking to my vague June travel plans until forced to consider otherwise.

One Response to “Wanna Know What I Think about Swine Flu?”

  1. Stacy says:

    Hi Lola,
    I am new to your blog, but I am a HAS Mama also. Brie came home in April 2008…you can see our blog @ http://www.3rdgenerationadoption.blogspot.com
    I just wanted to say that, in my humble opinion, it’s not for anyone to say what you should or should not name your daughter. People have such passionate, and sometimes unnerving, opinions about whether having a Chinese name is going to make or break our children.
    I love the name Rory and hope that you don’t believe you’re racist for giving your daughter a western name. You’re her mother.