It is very cool here in the morning. The fountain isn’t on, which the
fish seem to prefer. They are swimming around. You can see the dead
ones floating around in the water clearly. There are two.
There is a couple playing badmitten. They seem to be having fun. I
like to imagine them reconnecting, now that they have to spend a week
together in quarantine. Maybe the last time they played badmitten
together, they were teenagers. I would like to note that I am really
not sure how to spell badmitten. Two men are jogging back and forth in
the few hundred yards we are allowed in. Whenever they pass one
another, they wave.
Someone is doing Tai Chi. An American couple appears. The woman’s
shirt says "Lutheran Chick". They tell the kids that the fountain will
come on at 7, and the guards will change. Both of those things happen.
More couples are walking. Women wear low pumps, men shower shoes. Only
the Americans are dressed for exercise, and they move the fastest. One
woman is wearing bright blue Crocs. It’s warming up. The air has
what’s becoming a familiar haze. The bottoms of the clouds look dirty.
The fountain, as long as I’m detailing the negatives here, has a
distinct smell. The American man lets his mask dangle from his ear.
It’s easier to be positive during the day. Last night I wrote a long,
desperate email to the embassy. How could they let this happen? How
could it be ok that I have to tell my five-year-old not to put her
hand through the hole in the hotel wall? How could I let this happen?
Then I erased it.
KJ Dell’Antonia
sent from my iPhone
Hey Lola,
I know its hard but you can handle this, you will make it through and in the end you will have all four of your kids together. Right now, its rough and its scary but in future years, this will be an amazing family story.
Hang in there,
jenn who is leaving for holiday in china tomorrow am………….
PS: the outdoor fish seem to die in all the hotels because they toss them in the water without removing the clorine or doing that float the bag, adjust-them-to-the new water. We saw the same thing in our nice hotel in Beijing. Every day, new fish. Every night dead fish…..
Hang in there you will be fine. Your children and husband will be fine too! if you need to vent and vent do so…you are a mom! you will always worry no matter what. what if? what if? your family is going to be fine and + one soon. aren’t you glad you have your site to vent on…if you want to send me messages please do..i will always respond with i hear you! and we will keep your forever in our prayers. mom to 10…to travel the same route you are now, just hoping without the extended stay needed!
Hello- We are a HAS family who went to China in March 2008 to meet our 2.5 year-old daughter. I am sorry you have encountered such an anxiety-provoking situation rather than pure joy and thrill… I think it will come to you when this horrible situation has passed. Anyway – I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and your family, wishing you all the best and still counting the days until you meet your new addition. As with all things, this too shall pass and be a part of your family lore. Somehow, things never seem as terrible in memory… at least that is my experience so far.
We used to live in NH too! Where are you from? It would be fun to meet up one day with our children. We lived in Portsmouth and still visit a few times each year.
My heart is with you!
If i did not know better I would swear I was reading a novel of some sort, do you write for a living or just for fun? Hang in there two days down five to go. Thinking of you and your family!
So many here are pulling for you and praying. You may feel all alone in quarantine but know that so many people here are following your story wishing there was something we could do to change your current circumstances. I can not imagine it but I do believe that God only gives us what we can handle and you seem to be a very strong woman and as the others have said you will hopefully come through this even stronger and with an incredible tale to tell and without any scars. I will be lifting you all up in prayer and asking God to protect you and be with you through this difficult time.
badminton. fwiw.
hang in there, kj!
Just a fellow RQ fan… noticed your post there… my whole family is glued to your blog and cheering you on… hang in there and know that even those who have never met you are adding you to their prayers!
I passed your blog onto my agency today so they could better prepare traveling families for the realities of quarantine. You really should write a book when this is over. I would buy it.
Just a note to say we are thinking of you and your family. Hope you hear some good news soon.
aka sofiasmama from RQ
Don’t know you just stumbled upon your site. OMG…. what a situation you are in. I am so sorry that you and your family have to endure this. As mommies we would walk to hell and back for our babies and you are sure showing that you would do that. You are protecting those littles one right beside you and walking one of the toughest roads to you newest family member. hang in there. You will get through this and as you mentioned in your posts your children are learning so much during this crisis/bump in the road. Strength is “grown” in moments like these.
Also I just read in one of the comments about you living in NH. I too lived in NH – in Keene. I don’t any longer- moved south about 4 years ago. NH is such a lovely place.
best wishes,
mom to two daughters one born in Vietnam and one born in China
Good morning Lola (fromUK)! you continue to write and record these memories of the bizarre and absurd bit of your journey with humor. Won’t your hubby be out a day or 2 earlier than Sat? how’s the nice manager next door? poor fellow. Wonder if he even HAD fever, maybe he was sent with you to be your translator. How’s the FOOD? get any coffee in the morning?poor kids, but this’ll toughen them for the future, I suspect! Boy I’d love to be there for the reunion!
Dear Lola,
It is going to be ok. Really. Now, you have another day under your belt. I am in Little Rock, AR, I follow RQ, and I am home (as of November with our 5 year old). We are all thinking of you every single day. I wish we could do more. If there is more, please let us know. Soon, you will be home, in your own bed, cuddling a new member of the family. This will all be a distant memory.
I am hugging you tight.
I have been refreshing like crazy. I hope you all rest well tonight. You almost have another day down. When you wake up in the AM you will only have three more days. If there is anything else I can do from here please let me know.
I really love your sense of humor thru all of this. Somehow Im reading this very frightening experience and you have such a funny way of putting it. Im sure you are the best mom to be quarantined with.
A fellow RQ follower here.
Best wishes to you and your very brave kids.
What troopers they are!
Keep up your good spirits– it can’t be easy.
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully this will all be over soon and you can move on with your adoption and then come home!
Reena (aka Calamity4e)
Another member of the Purple Queendom here.
Just dropping in to give my best wishes.
I am very happy to see you haven’t lost your humor. I hope things get better really really soon.
xoxo. I bet quarantine is one way to slow time down, eh? How is Rob?
Oh, I just have to laugh when I read the way you write. The boredom is so obvious it hurts…
But I really, REALLY feel for you. I have two boys of three and six, and I can sooooo imagine what it is like for all of you.
Hang in there, this too shall pass, you WILL get out. Saturday.
Miramar, from RQ
Another RQer here…who just returned on May 28th. Having recently been there, I can only be with you with slightly trembling knees, feeling like I barely missed a similar fate. You will be home before you know it. And have SO MUCH to write about. Prayers and well wishes!