Lessons Not Learned

I was hoping we might all learn a little gratitude for much we have and a little understanding of how little we need from this, but my five-year-old is having a tantrum because there is no ice for her coffee.

3 Responses to “Lessons Not Learned”

  1. Vicky says:

    Not much help or comfort – but hearts are going out to you from around the world. Just can’t imagine the struggles you are facing at the moment – but as you know the pain will all face eventually that new child is placed in your arms.
    Following your saga and thinking about you from across the miles – Vicky UK

  2. Vicky says:

    That should be fade not face in line three!

  3. Liz Schwartz says:

    the tantrum is just a sign that she clearly realizes just how lucky she USUALLY is…! Am thinking of you all.