I tend to feel so different in the morning that I think maybe I ought to look into lithium. Or possibly electric shock therapy.
Today’s plan is to let Wyatt and Rory duke it out. I have tried punishing him every time he touches her, and it doesn’t work–and the truth is, most of the time, he’s not actually doing anything he doesn’t do to Lily 62 times a day. It’s jsut that Rory has this deeply, deeply annoying screechy reaction, and when I hear it, I overreact. I can’t exactly punish her for screeching, so guess who gets it?
Today I will accept the poking and the screeching. This is their new relationshiip, and barring bloodshed, they will just have to work it out as best they can. And I am even going to take them to town, scene of many a past crime. And the post office.
I’d be feeling pretty good this morning–got some sleep, had a fun day yesterday with Sam…except that today is my birthday, and I foolishly did not plan for any kind of babysitting until evening, and that only briefly–and somehow I doubt the fairies will send any! So while I feel pretty generally happy about a normal day, I feel less happy because of that nagging sense that today ought to be a little bit more than that.
I have given myself permission not to get in the swimming pool today, so that’s a little treat. And I am about to go get a mocha, and I gave those up a while back, so there’s another pleasure. I will have to get Rory and Wyatt mochas too, in order to keep mine. Feeling selfish!
Electroshock therapy is actually not as funny as it sounds. The rationale behind it is that it’s like throwing the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle up in the air and hoping they come down in a configuration close to what the finished puzzle is supposed to be. Except it’s with people’s brains.
Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!!!!
Happy Happy Birthday! May today be the best of many days to come.
I’m so so sorry about my posts yesterday. If I could take it all back I would. I really am ordinarily a pretty nice person and prior to yesterday, I was hoping that you might be open to a “blog friendship” with me. …Any way you might still be?? Obviously, I enjoy reading your blog. I love the way you write with honesty and intelligence. I also enjoy your sense of humor. Rory is a beautiful child. I shouldn’t have offered any “words of wisdom” on a situation that I haven’t walked personally. Again, so sorry. If by any chance you’d like an invite to my private blog, let me know. And, I hope you have a nice birthday. Wishing you a big cold cosmo and a paid for week of full time summer camp for your kids!
KJ — Happy Birthday.
A few weeks after I brought my 2 year old daughter home from China, my 3.5 year old son held a block over her head and asked whether “they” would take her away if he hit her with it. (At least he asked!) Four years later they bicker. He will insist that she is “the most annoying person in the world,” but they do play and scheme and have a great time together most days. I am sure that Rory and Wyatt will get there too.
Enjoy the day. A mocha sounds lovely.
Happy B-day, KJ! Mine’s tomorrow and it’s supposed to pour rain all day in Maine just like last year on my birthday. Hope you had a great day all in all.