Summertime, and the livin’ is easy

I love summer. WInter is hard, where we live, and it’s long, and it’s cold, and then it’s long, and did I mention it’s long? The sheer amount of gear involved in winter life…I could cry just thinking about it, and I love to ski and ice skate. Sigh…
But this is summer. The pool has become easy. The biking is fabulous. There are only three and a half more weeks before Sam stuarts school, and then while the summer weather goes on the summer feeling won’t. My goal is to be present for the rest of summer, truly present, every minute (except when I am conceding that I need, need those total black velvet sleep nights that are the gift of ambien, which so far hasn’t had any ill effects…). When I’m biking, I try to be biking. When I’m writing, writing. And when I’m with the kids–as far as i can do it–with the kids.
That’s a lot t ask, though. Sometimes I like to be partly with the kids, and partly with my New Yorker.

One Response to “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy”

  1. JK says:

    I like to be partly with the kids and partly with my iPhone. I’m trying to step away from the technology…

    I will miss summer too… We start back to school on 8/20…. AAAAAAGHHH! I’m not ready.