Just Like Baywatch

The pool here is a gradual entry pool, and when Rory decided to swim without her life jacket today I thought I’d better keep a close eye on her–as in, no magazine, real watching. It’s so easy to start swimming where you can touch and end up where you can’t.
And she did, about three minutes after she got in. I was pretty far away, and I saw her some up a couple of times, looking a little desperate, and ran for her. I’ve always wondered–if one of them was in trouble in a pool with lots of people in it, would I just point, or would I jump in? Especially on a cold day when the last thing I want to do is get in the water, which is unfortunately what we had today.
I jumped in. And she was in trouble, and i grabbed her, and everything was ok. I don’t really think that’s a big old bonding thing–I’d save a friend’s kid, too, in a heartbeat. But I was kind of pleased to discover that I am indeed the kind of person who goes ahead and jumps in.

Speaking of “what kind of person are you,”, I thought this post I put up on Double X today was funny. I’m still shocked that there are people out there who see time moving in this way.

3 Responses to “Just Like Baywatch”

  1. G. Silva says:

    That post is pretty funny! I just turn to my husband and ask him what it means. I can’t tell you offhand if he’d say Friday or Monday, but whatever he’d say, he’s nearly always right, and I don’t miss the meeting.

    I wonder what that says about my personality. That I can’t keep track of time at all, and have no intention of trying, and am therefore emotionally apathetic?

  2. JK says:

    1. I would have thought the person meant Friday.

    2. I would be angry only because I’m NEVER ready for a meeting early… I need all the time I can get to prepare!

    3. I HATE it when people don’t give the DAY AND DATE in an email for scheduling. I HATE it when people say “we’ll meet tomorrow” ’cause then I have to figure out WHAT day it was they sent the email.

    I guess I have some issues, eh?

  3. JK says:

    p.s. I knew you’d jump in. 🙂