Is giving to art and cultural charites moral when 24,000 kids die every day from easily preventable, poverty-related causes like diarrhea and pneumonia? Discuss. But on DoubleX, please, not here!
Is giving to art and cultural charites moral when 24,000 kids die every day from easily preventable, poverty-related causes like diarrhea and pneumonia? Discuss. But on DoubleX, please, not here!
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I’m saving the world with Audubon and IFAW so all the children who do survive every year will have a planet to live on. They’ll need some art and history, too. Some do-gooders have to focus on quality-of-life issues while the others are handling survival rate issues. It takes all kinds. What good is a world that’s full of humans but devoid of culture and nature?
Argh, that was not supposed to be a smiley face. WordPress interprets ASCII incorrectly.