Oh, I Wish I Were an Anonymous Blogger….

There have been many, many times here when I’ve wished for anonymity. Such rich veins of commentary as would open up to me! Such rants I could post about various and sundry things that I CANNOT EVEN MENTION HERE EVEN A LITTLE BIT!

Ok, so MPHOLLYPMHRPYLL MURPH MURPH Tempest, teapot MUMBLE MUTTER GRUPM GRIPE darn it I really can’t even get any more specific MRPHO MRPH just wrong.

Also, helicopters.

3 Responses to “Oh, I Wish I Were an Anonymous Blogger….”

  1. Lisen says:

    The heck you say? (That’s from some Muppet movie. Maybe you saw it.)

  2. AnonymousCloud says:

    Have me post it on mine. I’m anonymous. (I only have 14 followers, though.)

  3. Long Lost Friend says:

    Just vent to me in an e-mail. I’ve given up the law but I still know how to keep things confidential. Have you noticed that I’ve developed an addiction to your blog?! Miss you.