There have been many, many times here when I’ve wished for anonymity. Such rich veins of commentary as would open up to me! Such rants I could post about various and sundry things that I CANNOT EVEN MENTION HERE EVEN A LITTLE BIT!
Ok, so MPHOLLYPMHRPYLL MURPH MURPH Tempest, teapot MUMBLE MUTTER GRUPM GRIPE darn it I really can’t even get any more specific MRPHO MRPH just wrong.
Also, helicopters.
The heck you say? (That’s from some Muppet movie. Maybe you saw it.)
Have me post it on mine. I’m anonymous. (I only have 14 followers, though.)
Just vent to me in an e-mail. I’ve given up the law but I still know how to keep things confidential. Have you noticed that I’ve developed an addiction to your blog?! Miss you.