Hi, My name is KJ, and I’m addicted to yelling. It’s been 10 days since I last yelled at any of my children.
I should probably remind you that I spent 8 of those 10 days traveling with only Rob and Sam, which scarcely occasioned any yelling. In fact that’s really what prompted this. I went 8 days without yelling. 8 days. And while obviously traveling through Stockholm and Amsterdam was very very good, living without yelling was also very very good indeed.
And on the plane back, I decided to give it up. No more yelling. Or at least, no yelling without a good reason. I am going to take deep breaths, I am gong to count to ten, I am going to note that I can control my response to even the most provoking circumstance. Or child. At least, I’m going to try.
Speaking of annoying, it was such a huge relief to hear my mother snapping at Rory when she tried to pay dominos with both littles. Rory, of course, would much prefer to make up her own rules. Wyatt and my mother had rules, and they wanted to play by them. Rory wanted to p,ay, but not by the rules. It was very reassuring to discover that I am not the only person in The world who fails to find that cute.
I am a card carrying member of YA as well and am trying to stop. I’ve only got 2 kids and they both act wonderfully when 1:1 with me but when they’re together, the annoying behaviors drive me nuts and I find myself yelling. Really trying to stop.
All us women in my house are yellers — but mostly just to communicate from floor to floor. For some reason, I keep thinking if I yell from the basement, they can hear me on the second floor. And vice versa. The girls are the same way.
My husband, on the other hand, uses the household intercom system.
I hate yelling. I grew up in a loud house and it was scary at worst and damned annoying at best. As I tell my kids: I don’t yell, I PROJECT. So, yeah, I guess I do yell sometimes. I really try not to. My days are divided into two groups: Yelly ones and not yelly ones.
Good luck in your recovery!
i just never thought of you as a yeller
Welcome home! And I do hope you succeed in becoming a non-yeller. I have tried and tried and tried, but I never make it more than a day at best. Although I have also not had 8 days in a row with just Caleb since he was three and Wy came along. Hmmm…interesting challenge. And maybe even more do-able for me than the attachment challenge on welcometomybrain.net right now.
Keep us, your loyal blog readers, posted on how it goes!
I am a card carrying member of YA as well and am trying to stop. I’ve only got 2 kids and they both act wonderfully when 1:1 with me but when they’re together, the annoying behaviors drive me nuts and I find myself yelling. Really trying to stop.