I’m tired.
I’ve been tired all day–sleepy tired, as in, shut-your-eyes-for-just-one-minute-huh? It’s that kind of day. Chilly, dreary, a little rainy.
And I just got my mac id to work with iCloud. And I’m sitting here, looking at it. at the little thing that says “move your MobileMe to iCloud” and thinking, damn.
It’s all working. Right now, email, iCal–all nicely sync’d up just the way I want them.
ANd I JUST know if I move, there will be growing pains. One laptop isn’t on Lion yet, for example. Putting it there is a little, just a little, bit of a pain. My phone isn’t on iOS5 yet. I haven’t upgraded Sam’s iTouch, either. And there just always ARE growing pains.
I am not feeling alert enough for growing pains right now.
I think I will just sit tight. Well, maybe sleep tight.
iTired too, may today be iBetter with less iPain.